Ron Lesser

Ron Lesser has painted a lot of pictures. In the heyday of his most overtly commercial work, he painted thousands of movie posters, paperbacks, and advertisements. He’s still around, still prolific, but more focused on history, animals, sports figures, etc.

His style is very familiar to those of us a certain age and of certain proclivities, be they 70s American Cinema

PapillonHigh Plains DrifterZardozLolly Madonna War

or naughty, cheap paperbacks that promised a heck of a lot more than you actually got on the inside.

Barely SeenQuick Red FoxHearse Class MaleThe Golden Kiss

So when it came time for Criterion to release The Fugitive Kind, it surely seemed a good idea to recreate the feel of an old lurid paperback (complete with creased cover) with the look of those fantastic old posters.

FKPaperback +Pat Garrett Billy Kid = 515_box_348x490_original

Working with Eric Skillman and Sarah Habibi, Mr. Lesser has created a cover that deftly captures the luridness of Tennessee Williams and the stoicism of Lesser’s poster subjects. In the past, I’ve just sort of given this cover cursory glances, but now I see a very nice piece of art that pulls the history of its various forms together in one impressive Criterion cover.



Note: This article was completely sourced from Internet information. Errors are those of the original articles, but editing and assumptions I take blame for.

Primary Sources:

Art By Ron Lesser | Paths of History | Tumblr 

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